It can be successfully applied for thefollowing purposes. According toBrahmyamal granth, SBC is an instrument which canmost accurately predict & also verify correctness of Astro-logical predictions. Sarvato Bhadra Chakra is like a light lamp em-powered to enlighten the whole World. Astrological norms for financial gain in 180share market. Singh's elevation as P.M.Chandra Shekhar's elevation as P.M.Narsimha Rao's elevation as P.M.Atal Behari Bajpai's elevation as P.M.Dewe Gowde's elevation as !P.M.Resignation of Dewe Gowrie as P.M.Ģ0. Case Studies: 167Jawahar Lal Nehru's-elevation asPrime Minister.Indra Gandhi's elevation as PM.Rajiv Gandhi's elevation as PM.V.P. SBC & its Constituents.Latta Chakra & its application.Suryakalanal Chakra & its application.Chandrakalanal Chakra & its applica-tion.Sapt Salaka Chakra & its application.Kurm Chakra & its application.Dhrubank Chakras & its application.Dhuajadi Chakra.ġ9. Sarvato Bhadra Chakra and other 144Chakras: Significators for Countries, States, Cities, 134Ĭommodities and other matters:Signs : Countries & Cities of world.Planets: Regions, States & Cities.Stars: Different parts of India & Cities.Stars: Significators of commodities.Signs: Significators of commodities.Planets: Significators of commodities.ġ8. Methodology, another method, standardpractice, impact of planets on prices,special norms of teji & mandi, timing ofevents.
Sarvatobhadra chakra book pdf how to#
Forecating Methodology - How to 114ĭetermine prices of commodities:- Introduction, definitions, significators Of Sun, Victory in War, Notes.14 Forecasting Methodology - Horary : 112 Forecating Methodology- How to 109determine success in National Politicsand War:- Introduction, directional Vedha power Forecating Methodology- How to 106determine Sickness & Accidents :- Introduction, results of malefic Vedha.ġ3. Introduction, auspicious stars, notes,another method for determiningbenefic!malefic mahurata caused byUpgrahas, malefic Latta dosh.ġ2. Forecating Methodology-How to 100determine Benefic Mahurata: Vedha of Stars (frombirth star) & their Vedha results. birth tithi, birthconsonants, birth vowel by benefic plan-ets in transit Vedha of birth star & othersensitive stars from Moon. Vedha of birth sign.Vedha of birth tithi. Introduction, future of individuals, stand-ard practice: SBVVedhas & their results. Forecasting Methodology-c Future.of 75Individuals : Vedha Aspect of Planets : 64Methodology, procedure, special Vedhaaspect, grading of Vedha aspect, navamsaVedha, special Vedha aspect of SWl, frontVedha, special notes on Vedha, Vedha bybenefic planets in lucky years, chart ofVedha aspect of planets on.ġ0. General Strength of Planets : 60Sthan bala, digbala, chestabala,Naisargikbala, Kalbala, Drug bala,Yudhabala, Santha planets bala,Oja yugma Signbala, Kendra bala,Drekkana bala, Krantibala,ĩ. Strength based on signs occupied byplanets.Strength of rising or combust planets.Strength of retrograde planets.Strength of exalted planets.Strength of planet in Navamsa sign.Ĩ. 48- Nature of Signs, characteristics of signs, Speed of planets, Vedha power of plan-ets, how to determine speed-a simplemethod, exaltation of planets, Navamsavarga, transit of planets, impact of plan-ets, conjunction of planets in a still" Jur-ing transit, notes, Vedha aspect of plan-ets, direct motion, types of Vedha as-pects, grading of aspect, special Vedhaaspect, aspect in Vedic Astrology, benefic& malefic aspect, Significations of plan-ets.Ħ.

All about Planets: 27Nature of planets, characteristics of plan-ets, & their relations with signs, rising &combustion of planets, retrogradation ofplanets, retrograde motion, standard All about Stars: 22Benefielmalefic stars, particulars of stars,tendency of stars, extra details, padas &consonants of stars, notes.ĥ. Stars, signs, lunar tithies, weekdays, vow-els, consonants, directions, chakra fordetermining vowels etc from popularname, extra details, Vargas in SBC,Saptanadi, Saham, Vimsottari Mahadasa,strength of planets, Navamsa.Ĥ.

Sarvato Bhadra Chakra & its 13Constituents: Important norms of Astrology: 4- Standard documents, astrologicalĭocuments, division of time, planets,signs, lunar tithies, stars, new Moon,Grah spashat, change of sign of planets,star occupied by Moon, Sankranti, planet-combustion & rise, planet-retrogradation'& direct, Ascendant, important featuresof horoscope, planets, mise matters abouthoroscope.ģ. Lems, auspicious time, horary, businessforecasts, sources of SBC.Ģ. Importance of Sarvato Bhadra Chakra: 1- Individual problems, national prob. AndAstrological Predictions(With norms for financial gainġ.